Westwood Clinic Leads Way to Corrective Aesthetic Movement

Westwood Clinic Leads Way to Corrective Aesthetic Movement 

Transforms Beauty Standards and Mental Wellness in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, 19 February 2024 - In a ground-breaking initiative, Dr. Jest Wong has pioneered the Corrective Aesthetic Movement in accordance with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’ (UNGC) 10 principles, challenging conventional beauty norms while emphasizing the importance of inner beauty and mental wellness. Corrective Aesthetic stands for the belief that beauty emanates from within and should be accessible to all.

Meeting with Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan

As the initiator behind this campaign, Dr. Jest Wong contends that true beauty is not solely determined by outward appearances. According to him, the most radiant smiles come from within, prompting all Westwood Clinic and participant clinics to integrate mental wellness practices into their aesthetic treatments.

Collaboration with  Pusat Kecemerlangan Kesihatan Mental Kebangsaan (NCEMH)

Westwood Clinic has taken a bold step as the first ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) clinic in Malaysia. Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3, 16, and 17, the clinic actively promotes good health and well-being, peace and justice, and partnerships. Corrective Aesthetic thrives on inclusivity, with individuals striving to create a positive impact in the world and community.

Despite the comprehensive approach to mental wellness, the price of treatments at Westwood Clinic remains well within budget, ensuring that quality results are not compromised.

Joint effort with industry players in Shanghai, China for corrective aesthetic movement

Dr. Jest Wong, in an exclusive interview, emphasized that his motivation stems from a desire to contribute to a better Malaysia and humanity at large. The Corrective Aesthetic Movement has garnered widespread support through awareness campaigns, charity initiatives, and collaborative discussions.

United Nation Global Compact, Universities globally, NGOs, and government sectors have rallied behind the movement, turning Corrective Aesthetic into a championed cause under a project umbrella where all participants can contribute their strengths.

Dr Jest Wong (4th from the left), as an ambassador working closely with legit and regulated products as well as with medical officers

This noble movement is reshaping the aesthetic landscape, challenging taboos and stigmas surrounding beauty and mental health awareness. Dr. Jest Wong's philosophy, encapsulated in the mantra, "To make a country a better place, it doesn't just start from who you vote for but requires a correct mindset and a kind heart," is gaining momentum, inspiring positive change and fostering a society that values holistic well-being over conventional standards of beauty.

The entire core team member of this project is aligning with UN global compact principles while working hard tirelessly in ensuring a new benchmark is set in the aesthetic and mental wellness industry.

Westwood Clinic Leads Way to Corrective Aesthetic Movement Reviewed by Ana Suhana on February 20, 2024 Rating: 5

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